Nasilje u školama/Bullying

Nasilje u školama


Svaka peta djevojčica i svaki četvrti dječak zlostavljani su u školi. Nasilje počinje kada dijete ili grupa djece namjerno i  uzastopce zlostavlja drugo dijete. Nasilnici su često žrtve nasilja u svojim domovima. Oni kopiraju agresivno ponašanje s kojim žive i prenose ga u školu. Nasilnici misle da agresivnim ponašanjem izgledaju snažniji i da ih ono čini popularnima.

Djeca koja postaju žrtve nasilja drukčija su od svojih školskih kolega samo zato što pričaju tiše ili hodaju sporije. Usamljeni su, uplašeni  i depresivni. Zlostavljana su verbalno, emocionalno, psihički i fizički. Tada se  žrtve osjećaju nesigurno i krive same sebe što su zlostavljane.



Every fifth girl and every fourth boy gets bullied at school. Bullying begins when a child or a group of children deliberately and repeatedly bully another child. Bullies themselves are often the victims of violence in their own homes. They copy the aggressive behaviour they live with and they bring it to school. Bullies think that aggressive behaviour makes them look tough and that it makes them popular.

Children who are picked on are sometimes different from their peers merely because they talk quietly or walk slowly. They are lonely, scared and frightened. They bully them verbally, emotionally, psychologicall and physically. They feel insecure and they blame themselves for being bullied.

Tea Brekalo, 8.b

Ana Kirin, 8.b